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Privacy Notice

Tractoropolis is sensitive to privacy issues on the Internet. Your right to privacy and data security is a primary concern. We believe it is important that you know how we treat the information about you that we receive on the Internet. Tractoropolis will use reasonable efforts to ensure that your personal information will remain private with Tractoropolis, its dealers and fulfillment companies.

You will need to use a browser that supports the SSL security protocol to view this site securely. Tractoropolis regrets that it cannot guarantee that information transmitted through email will be secure, since email sent over the Internet is not secure.

Tractoropolis collects standard NCSA web statistics during normal site usage, which includes the requestor IP address, date and time, the web site that referred you to us and the URL requested. Tractoropolis uses this information to generate statistics and measure site activity to improve the convenience and productivity of your visits.

Tractoropolis cannot retrieve personal information about you unless such information is knowingly and willingly provided by you.


Once you have made the decision to add an item to your shopping cart and submit the order to checkout, you will have to provide some personal information, such as name, mailing address, email address, and, possibly other information. Your purchasing information will be collected and your order processed by Tractoropolis, a Tractoropolis dealer or fulfillment company. Tractoropolis, its dealer, or the fulfillment company with whom you placed the order will have access to such information and will use such information to complete your order.

Electronic Mail

Internet users may decide to send Tractoropolis, Tractoropolis's dealer or fulfillment company personal information in a message containing information about your order. Tractoropolis, its dealers or fulfillment companies will use this information to identify the user as a customer and to determine how to respond to the electronic mail. In the event the information is used to generate mailings, you will be able to unsubscribe to these mailings at any time.


A cookie is a small file that can be stored on your computer's hard drive. You have the choice whether or not to accept this file. Tractoropolis uses cookies to determine whether you have visited its site. Cookies can also be used to help save and retrieve passwords used on the site, saving you the step of reentering this information on every visit. Tractoropolis cannot retrieve personal information about you unless such information is knowingly and willingly provided by you.


Tractoropolis reserves the right to change our Privacy Policy. A revised Privacy Policy will only apply to data collected subsequent to the effective date of such change.

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